Don’t You F*cking Say a Word workshop this week!

JOHN MCENROE USA ANGUISH This week, thanks to Justin Blanchard and Brooklyn Shakes, I’m workshopping a brand new play, “Don’t You Fucking Say a Word”, inspired by a heated moment I had on the tennis court a couple of years ago.  I love this photo of McEnroe – his petulance in it, his frustration. In his tennis tantrums he did seem to turn into a two year old. Not pretty, and not right, but understandable!

The play is explored from the perspective of the men’s girlfriends. We have a terrific cast: Justin, Crystal Finn, David Ross and Molly Ward. Erik Pearson is directing. There’s a reading next Monday the 18th at 7pm in Williamsburg. Visit Brooklyn Shakes for more info!

A short video about Mobro

John and I made this video in 2011, using footage from the first concert showing of Mobro, discussing what it is, and why we were and are excited about it.

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